Dr. Jill Kerper Mora
ELD/SDAIE Strategy Demonstration
Purpose: This activity is designed to give teacher candidates the opportunity to try out new teaching strategies in a safe environment using simulation and role playing. The activity also gives peers the opportunity to observe how others translate a written description of a teaching strategy into features of a lesson for a specific content area and theme. This simulation allows students to generate ideas for future lesson planning and for refining their thematic units.
Procedure: The strategy demonstration and role-play is planned and performed in class by your theme/content-area group. For each level of language proficiency and for critical thinking skills teaching, one or two groups will demonstrate a selected strategy from the Herrell & Jordan (2004), 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners textbook. The instructor will provide a list of strategies to select from for class presentations. Each group will prepare a demonstration lesson during the class time designated in the course calendar. The presenter(s) will explain or demonstrate procedures for teaching a class of secondary students who have achieved the specified language proficiency level or levels. The second half of two class periods are allocated for the group presentations. Please see the course schedule for presentation dates.
The lesson presentation should include each of the five steps of the lesson cycle. Different individuals may present each step in the lesson cycle or a single individual can perform the lesson, provided that there was full participation in planning the demonstration. Any time consuming tasks that the secondary students would complete can be explained or summarized.
Evaluation: Students in each group will be awarded full credit (20 points) if the lesson demonstration meets the following criteria:
- Demonstration lesson is an appropriate application of the strategy described in the 50 Strategies textbook to the designated level and selected content area.
Demonstration lesson includes all five steps of the lesson cycle:
- Anticipatory set
- Presentation
- Guided Practice
- Independent Practice
- Closure
- Demonstration lesson illustrates sound principles of ELD/SDAIE instruction.
- Each member of the group contributes to the planning and/or presentation of the demonstration lesson.