CCTE Conference SoR Pushback Panel

California Council on Teacher Education Conference

The California Council on Teacher Education 2024 Fall Conference was held on October 17-19, 2024 in San Diego. Here is the links the Panel Presentation on October 17, 2024:
Pushing Back Against Science of Reading Mandates: The California Story

Jill Kerper Mora, San Diego State University
Edgar Lampkin, California Association for Bilingual Education
Barbara Flores, California State University San Bernardino
Anita Flemington, University of La Verne

Here is the link to a research monograph based on the CCTE Conference presentation:

Mora, J. K., Lampkin, E., Flores, B., & Flemington, A. (2024). Pushing back against Science of Reading mandates: The California story. CCTE Fall 2024 Research Monograph, 47-58.

Science of Reading Pushback Resources

Update: I invite you to view this video of The International Literacy Educators Coalition ILEC webinar Pushing Back Against Science of Reading Mandates: The California Story.

I invite you to view this video of The International Literacy Coalition ILEC webinar Pushing Back Against Science of Reading Mandates: The California Story. This is a presentation lead by Dr. Edgar Lampkin, CEO of the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE). Co-presenters are Dr. Barbara Flores, Dr. Esteban Díaz and Dr. Jill Kerper Mora.


The panelists explain how the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) lead organizations representing teachers and teacher educators to oppose passage of AB 2222 (Rubio) Science of Reading in the California Legislature in April 2024. CABE utilized political networking and legislative advocacy to formulate talking points and create dialogue with constituent groups. Teacher and faculty organizations articulated their rationale against a law mandating school districts and university teacher education to align with a singular research paradigm for teacher credentialing and professional development. Opponents of the legislation refuted claims that AB 2222 defended California’s multilingual learners’ access to equitable and effective literacy instruction against SoR’s legislative overreach.

MoraModules Resources

Here are links to resources for exploring more about the opposition to SoR mandates among school administrators, teacher educators and teachers.

National Committee for Effective Literacy: Voices from the Field study

Escamilla, K., & Strong, K. (2024). Voices from the field: Impact of the implementation of the Science of Reading instruction and policy on emergent bilingual/English learner literacy programs and teachers. National Committee for Effective Literacy.

Voices from the Field: La Cosecha 2024 Dr. Kathy Escamilla

International Literacy Educators Coalition

Click here for the website of the International Literacy Educators Coalition.
The site offers many valuable resources for discussion and debate about the substance and impact of the Science of Reading.

Mission: ILEC advocates for educators and families to make responsive, research-informed decisions for literacy learning
that realize the potential of diverse learners to be literate, critical thinkers.

Position Statements on SoR Legislation

Click here for CCTE White Paper on the ScienceS of Reading.

Click here for the CABE Opposition Letter to AB 2222.

Science of Reading Mandates Analysis

For Dr. Mora’s analysis of the Science of Reading Movement and legislative initiatives click below.

Science of Reading: A Critique

Dual Language Researcher Fact-checks SoR

Fact-checking Claim 5 Debunking Bans against Three-Cueing 

Opposition to AB 2222 Talking Points

Reaffirming Multilingual Educators’ Pedagogical Knowledge Base (Mora, 2024)

Science of Reading Analysis Bibliography JK Mora

Thank you for your interest in our CCTE Conference Panel Presentation.
Jill Kerper Mora