Archive by Author

Science of Reading: A Critique

A Bilingual Educator’s Critique of the Science of Reading Movement Jill Kerper Mora UPDATE: Opposition to California Assembly Bill AB 2222 The Science of Reading is a hot topic on the internet and in the media these days. A plethora of Facebook groups and other social media venues advertising themselves as Science of Reading for […]

Dual Language Researcher Fact-checks SoR

Fact-checking 10 Science of Reading Claims: A Multilingual Education Perspective  Jill Kerper MoraSan Diego State University  The format for this fact-checking of the Science of Reading (SoR) from the perspective of multilingual learner education and the description of the SoR claims are based on the book by Robert Tierney and P. David Pearson titled Fact-checking […]

Multiliteracy Research Invitational

Multiliteracy Research Colleagues, Thank you for the work you do to further the pedagogical knowledge base for teaching multilingual learners. Here I am posting a number of resources for you to explore. Click here for my presentation for the Multiliteracy Research Invitational titled The Status of Our Research on April 26, 2024.Please click here to access […]

NABE Conference 2024

Welcome to the NABE Conference 2024 in New Orleans, LA. We are enjoying a wonderful conference with great presentations and lots of networking. Here is the link to Dr. Mora’s presentation title The Bilingual Brain: Avoiding Anglocentricities in Applying Neuroscience Research. Please click here for a comprehensive discussion of the Science of Reading for multilingual […]

La Cosecha Conference 2023

Welcome to La Cosecha Conference 2023. Click here for access to Dr. Mora’s presentation titled La lectoescritura en español:  Reaffirming the International Scientific Research Base. Click here for access to the Dr. Mora’s Conference Presentation References for her presentation on the International Scientific Research Base, November 9 at La Cosecha. Click here to view Dr. […]

CABE 2023

Welcome to CABE 2023 in beautiful Long Beach, CA. Here are the links to Professor Jill Kerper Mora’s CABE presentations and related resources. Click here for access Dr. Mora’s presentation on March 23, 2023 titled El Cerebro Lector: Avoiding Anglocentricities in the Application of Neuroscience Research Click here for an Dr. Mora’s elaborated discussion of […]

NABE 2023

Welcome to the NABE 2023 Conference in Portland, Oregon. You are in the right place for links to Dr. Mora’s NABE Research Institute presentation and related resources. Jill Kerper Mora Click here for access to Dr. Mora’s presentation on February 22, 2023 titled “How research on Spanish literacy from Spanish-speaking countries informs biliteracy instruction in […]

NABE 2022

Welcome to NABE 2022 in beautiful New York City. Click here for access to Dr. Mora-s presentation on February 9, 2022: Staying True to Spanish in Spanish Language Arts: Authentic Instructional Approaches and Assessment

CABE 2021 Virtual Conference

Welcome to the CABE 2021 Virtual Conference. Posted here for visitors to MoraModules are links to Dr. Mora’s presentation at/in the CABE Conference and related resources for conference attendees and other dual language educators. Click here to access the presentation of March 24, 2021 by Diane Sharken Taboada and Jill Kerper Mora. The presentation is […]

Texas Science of Reading Instruction Exam Study Guide

Texas Educators, There is good news for you. MoraModules now has a Study Guide for preparation for the TExES Science of Reading Instruction examination. The TExES Study Guide covers the foundations and research base for literacy pedagogy with a focus on English language learners and biliteracy learners. Members with access to will find the […]